Results And Effectiveness The click-through rate was 3 times higher than the average Creative Execution 3 pre-rolls have been broadcasted to highlight the speed of this service all across the world, between different countries. No need to skip the ad, the whole message was communicated in 6 seconds. The video cursor moved from left to right representing your money passing from one of your account to another. Insights, Strategy And The Idea In the United Arab Emirates, 88% of the population are expatriates who need to make money transfers between their different bank accounts across the world. HSBC Global View/Global Transfer service enables Premier and Advance customers to access and manage all their global HSBC accounts through one single login and transfer money across the world at an unmatched speed: 6 seconds only. Objective of the campaign was to highlight the speed of the transfer in an innovative way. To communicate this, we decided to use the YouTube pre-roll. We used the cursor of the video in a tactical and unprecedented way. In no more than 6 seconds, the whole message was delivered. How? The video cursor moves from left to right representing your money passing from one of your account to another.